On this page you find some of the Telia ACE features related to the EU General Data Protection Regulation act compliance. The search, export, deletion, logging and audit trail functions are described per function.
Below is how to handle some of the GDPR related requests that might come from the customers or citizens serviced in your contact centre. How to handle requests from the users within the ACE solution, see GDPR relating to employees.
Here is how you obtain information on whether or not personal data is being processed for an individual, and how to find it.
To full-fill the right to be forgotten you delete or anonymise personal data. Here is how you do it:
The data in a ACE solution only describes actual events, i.e. it is not a customer database or a CRM system. Therefore it is not appropriate to make any changes. However, data can be erased. Also see Right to erasure - Right to be forgotten.
The data in the ACE solution have predefined storage periods, which can not be changed for stored data. However, data can be obtained, exported and stored elsewhere for a limited period of time. Also see Right of access by the data subject.
The ACE solution doesn’t hold any information applicable for data portability. However, data concerning one individual can be exported. Also see Right of access by the data subject.
Below are GDPR related settings, to check and to inform your contact centre co-workers about.
Issues related to user accounts are described in GDPR relating to employees.
The ACE solution produces various logs. These you can review by yourself.
The following logs can be reviewed by the help of accredited personnel at Telia Company.
For events (audit trail) relating to the ACE E-sign, see GDPR for E-sign.
Records with status Closed are automatically removed after a configurable number of days. Applies to these functions:
The content of log-files is cleaned from personal data as in the following examples.