Under File | Product versions… menu choice you see which version of various sub products and other parts of ACE that are currently being used, and have been used historically in the current installation.
The Product versions window has two tabs.
The Versions most recently used tab does not necessarily show the latest of all the versions used in an installation. If an older version was used most recently, this older version will be shown in the tab.
Here you also see information about the some open interfaces. If any of these open interfaces is not listed in the tab, it is not used.
The version information of the interface follows the version of the ACE sub product implementing the interface, e.g. ACE Database.
To see the complete history for a certain sub product, switch to the Product history tab.
Here you see all versions of each sub product ever detected by the system.
You can not cannot modify any information in the window.
Each sub product (or equivalent) is described by its name, the version’s designation and the following two time stamps.
If a particular version has been used repeatedly, with the use of other versions in between, the time interval between First used and Most recently used will also cover the use of the other versions.