From the ACE Pulse Campaign progress window you can open the window displaying details on a campaign, the Detailed progress campaign window.
You may do this in two ways:
You can have several detail windows open at the same time, but only one window per campaign.
The name of the campaign is shown as a part of the window’s name. This window displays detailed information of a specific campaign and is divided into the following four sections:
At the top left of the detail progress window, you the status for the selected campaign and status for the dialling of its records.
To the left in the detail progress window you see overall information about the campaign records. The campaign work can also be followed up daily, as part of the information is today’s figures, i.e. at the beginning of the day they are reset, then increasing during the day, and then finally once again reset during the night.
What is displayed in the static part of the window is:
Field name | Description |
Campaign records | The number or records in the campaign, including closed records. |
Paused | Paused records (with or without feedback), including personal records. |
Open campaign records with feedback | The number of handled records in the campaign (not paused or closed). Personal records are not included. |
Open campaign records without feedback | The number of records in the campaign not yet handled (and not paused or closed). Personal records are not included. |
Open personal campaign records | The number of personal records in the campaign that are not paused or closed, including records both with and without feedback. |
Close Total | The number of campaign records closed with Close feedback in ACE Agent since the campaign started. |
Close today | The number of campaign records that so far today were ended with Close feedback in ACE Agent. |
Declined Total | The number of campaign records closed with Decline feedback in ACE Agent since the campaign started. |
Declined today | The number of campaign records that so far today were ended with Declined feedback in ACE Agent. Number of Declined regardless of reason. |
Silent calls Total | The number of calls closed by the dialer after a customer answered the call, because no ready agent was available since the campaign started. |
Silent calls today | The number of calls closed by the dialer after a customer answered the call, because no ready agent was available. |
Inapplicable Total | The number of campaign records closed with feedback Inapplicable in ACE Agent since the campaign started. |
Inapplicable today | The number of campaign records that so far today were ended with Inapplicable feedback in ACE Agent. Number of Inapplicable regardless of reason. |
System loss Total Automatically closed by system or by administrator |
The number of campaign records (not Closed, Declined or Inapplicable) since the campaign started. that were closed by:
System loss today | The number of campaign records (not Closed, Declined or Inapplicable) so far today that were closed by:
Campaign calls made Total | The total number of campaign calls made from campaign records since the campaign started. |
Campaign calls made today | The total number of campaign calls made from campaign records so far today. |
Number answered calls Total | The number of calls answered by the called party and connected to an agent since the campaign started. |
Number answered calls today | The number of calls answered by the called party and connected to an agent so far today. |
Hitrate Total | Hitrate = Closed / (Closed + Declined). Gives the proportion of termination where the offer could be presented. Unit: Percent.
This value is only displayed for the rows with status ”Closed” since the campaign started. |
Hitrate today | Hitrate = Closed / (Closed + Declined). Gives the proportion of termination where the offer could be presented. Unit: Percent. Value for today’s work so far. |
The information displayed in the dynamic section of the window may vary between campaigns. The headings are:
Here, as well, you see the information with both a total from the campaign start and with today’s figures. At the beginning of the day, today’s values are reset, then increase during the day, and are then finally once again reset during the night. The number of rows displayed depends on how many reasons for the Close, Declined, and Inapplicable feedbacks there have been configured for this campaign in ACE Admin.
In the bottom part of the Detailed progress campaign window you can see a collected progress picture of the number of agents servicing the campaign – in one tab with agent status, and in one tab with possible spare capacity. You can also see exactly which agents that can service the intended campaign queue, by clicking on the agent icon opening the Agents window.
The following information is displayed graphically on each tab respectively:
Field name | Description |
Ready | The number of ready agents servicing the campaign. |
In contact | The number of agents in contact servicing the campaign. |
In wrap-up | The number of agents in wrap-up servicing the campaign. |
Paused | The number of paused agents servicing the campaign. |
Total | The total number of agents servicing the campaign. |
Reserve | The number of ready agents with possibility to service the queue but at the moment logged out from the queue. |