See Current situation

You can either choose Current situation in the View menu or click on the button in ACE Pulse main window.

Current situation provides information about the current status in the selected area view, e.g. how many of its agents that are logged in and how many contacts that are queuing in queues and waiting lists. Some information, such as the service levels, have the Today perspective rather than Current situation.

The current situation window for subareas an also be accessed from the Inspector window, which is described more in section Subareas.

Differences between area views and tabs

Current situation for subarea is only displayed graphically, while current situation in my organisation areas and organisation area views also exist as tables.

Since current situation for my organisation areas summarizes the status of sever al different organisation areas at the same time, the service level information is different from the one seen for organisation area and subarea.

The Longest queue time is, for example, always seen with a grey background colour in the my organisation areas current situation because the different organisation areas included, probably do not have the same thresholds meaning that colour coding for current queue time could be misleading.

The Graphic tab and the Table tab

In the Graphic tab, the following information is displayed:

In the upper part of the Table tab you see all the collected data as text. The difference in information from the one on the Graphic table is the following: