Search , filter or sort to find the relevant guide.
Click on the name of the relevant guide to open it.
You can also select several guides and then later link them to a new joint category. To handle several guides, select the check box next to each respective guide, or the top check box for all, if you will be performing the same action for all of them.
To the right you see publication status.
The guide is published in an answer version, in selected language.
There are changes in one answer version, in the selected language, that have only been saved as drafts.
The guide has been published but is at the moment unpublished.
You can start from two different states to translate a guide:
Open a specific guide and click on a nation flag at the bottom of the window.
Open the Translate menu and pick e.g. Show all translations.
In the opened flag view you can:
edit where translation has already been made,
initiate translation.
If your web browser is maximized you can see the existing language on one half of the screen and the selected language version to be on the other half.
Warnings are seen at the bottom of the browser when something has be fixed. This can e.g. be that the guide you have been working with is unpublished, contains unsaved parts, etc. Close the information field when you are done reading .