Use Quick texts #

If Quick texts are set up in ACE Admin you can insert ready made texts to e.g. an email reply.

To use the quick texts you need the Execute quicktext access function in your access role.

The easiest way to access quick texts is to type a hash sign #.

  1. When writing, enter # to see available texts. You can enter letters after #, to get a successively shorter list to pick from.
  2. See some example pictures:Closed

    This is from ACE Agent

    This is from Interact

  1. If you hover your mouse pointer over the name of a quick text, you see the exact content.
  2. Click on the name of the text you want to insert into your message, or browse there with arrow keys and Return.
  3. The list is automatically closed when you

Macro text

A quick text can contain macros, updated with current facts, such as e.g.

A macro text that for some reason could not be replaced with real data is seen in uppercase letters. You must then replace it with your own values. Just remove it and write your own text.

See the example, where macro texts are in italicClosedHi GIVENNAME! Customer CID need the signed contract today DATE LONG. Please send it to CUSTOMERADDRESSRV

Spell check

When writing you also have access to spell check functionality .

The spell check in ACE Interact is provided by your browser. I.e. performance and selection of languages varies depending on your computer's operating system and choice of web browser.

You can add words to the dictionary, by right click menu. However, added words will only be seen using the currently used workstation, i.e. they are not stored in any central glossary.