At the bottom of the ACE Admin Chat entrances window there are fields, where you can select text content for the phrases, and messages that can be automatically generated during a chat session.
To substitute the text in a phrase, or a message, you first select the name of the entrance and enter the new text in the box beneath each respective list.
In cases where text is not mandatory, you can choose to leave the field empty. If there is no text, the entry or message will not be shown.
A message text must not exceed the maximum length, 512 characters.
There is a number of contact data keys you can use in ACE Chat to create so-called dynamic values. You can regard it as codes, which are substituted with specific values from the current chat session. In the tables below you see which codes that can be used and where.
A couple of examples of application areas:
The following codes can be used in the standard phrases .
The following codes can be used in certain automatically generated information messages
See the respective section for standard phrases and information message for details on the exact possibilities for each type of phrase/message