The Access codes, IVR groups tab

In the ACE Admin, Locations, switches and access codes window, Access codes IVR groups tab you enter the prefix required at transfer of calls from extension locations to IVR groups.

To be able to use this tab you needyou require the access function Own location (for IVR) in your access role. Furthermore you require the Agent - Park and queue Enterprise licence.

ACE Agent makes a call to an IVR in a designated IVR group for parking calls, re-queuing calls and for association of calls. To be able to use these functions it is necessary that Access codes for IVR groups are configured.

Also see The IVR groups tab and The Switches for server based CTI window


These same access codes can be entered and seen in the Access codes, extension locations tab. The difference is that you see all access codes, regardless of organisation area in Access codes, IVR groups.

Add access code for IVR groups

To add a new access code for an IVR group, proceed as follows:

  1. From organisation area.
    Select the organisation area from where to make the connections.
  2. From location.
    The access code applies to connections from the extension location.
  3. To IVR group.
    Select the IVR group that connections will be made to.
  4. Specify Prefix for delivery, if any.
    If no prefix is required, leave empty.
  5. Choice of delay is not used in newer system but in order for the extension location’s access code to be used by the system, the value must be other than -1=Undefined.
  6. Save with OK.

Modify or remove access code for IVR group

Modifications and removal are done in the same way as for other tabs. The following is unique for the Access code for IVR group tab: