Colours, icons and text attributes

A standard table in ACE Admin provides more information than just text and figures by varied colouring of background and text. In most cases, standard components are used, as seen in e.g. Microsoft Windows, but some graphical details may need some further explanations.

You can see what the colours indicate from the following list.

Look Example Explanation
White surface
You may, but do not have to, edit this cell or column. The background colour is actually "Window colour", which is white in most Windows theme settings.
Grey surface
The cell is fix and can not be edited, e.g. column headers and other non-aditable data. The background colour is actually "Button face", which is light grey in most Windows theme settings.
Reddish surface
The cell is not correctly filled in or lacks a mandatory value.
Blueish surface
The row is selected. The selected cell on the row will be of a stronger colour. When the table is sorted by a certain column, the sort column will also have a faint tint of the highlight colour. The highlight colour is blue in most Windows theme settings.
Grey text
The row is singled out for removal from the database. The text colour is normally grey, but it depends on your Windows theme settings. Also, no cells on such a row will be editable, and will thus have a grey background (see above).
Green text New The object in the row is just created (but not yet saved) and selected to be added to the database.
Purple text Modified The object in the row is modified (but not yet saved) and the row is selected to be updated in the database.
Underlined text Click me The cell text is some kind of link that you can reach by clicking on the link or pressing the Enter key when the cell is in focus. In most Windows theme settings, links have a blue text colour.
Note: The actual colours will depend on your Windows theme settings.
Since some combinations of background colour and text colour would be difficult to read, e.g. a blue link on a blueish highlighted cell, the actual text colours are in some cases adjusted to improve readability. Text that would normally be dark on a bright background may be displayed in a bright colour — like white — if the background is dark.

Warnings and other signs

Warning triangles, exclamation marks, asterisks, and pen icons are some of the signals you can see in tables and on tabs in Telia ACE, depending on sub product, function, and status.

A warning triangle indicates that something must be paid attention to or that a choice is unsuitable and maybe should be changed. In some cases, warnings in ACE are given in extra windows, where you e.g. must confirm that you want to continue a started activity.

No escalation

A pen icon or an exclamation mark indicates that there is something that could require attention, such as unread messages or newly arrived data. Asterisks are used in ACE Agent to point out that something is mandatory to fill in, for example.

When you hover your mouse pointer over the icon, you see the reason for the warning triangle or exclamation mark in an explanatory text.