When do the changes take effect?

Depending on what is being updated, the time before the changes to take effect in the system can vary. In some cases, it is even necessary to reboot ACE Server and all clients. Some configuration changes also require changes in IVR or the customer-specific algorithm for call routing to have any effect on the system.

Configuration changes with immediate effect

The system parameters that are automatically enabled, meaning that they do not require a restart of ACE Server are seen as different icons in the right-hand border of the System parameters window. Updates in other windows, that are immediately enabled or no later than when you return to the main window in ACE Admin are seen in this list:

Changes that take effect immediately for email

Changes that take effect immediately for configuration of email accounts are:

Configuration requiring ACE Server reboot

Global parameters are normally not automatically updated in ACE Server. The system parameters requiring a restart of ACE Server are seen in the right-hand border of the System parameters window. The following other changes are so all-pervading that ACE Server must be restarted for the changes to take effect.