A campaign can be regarded as a list of campaign records; facts about customers to be called for a specific purpose.
Each campaign can have its status as described inBasics about status of a campaign. In these campaigns the campaign records can have their different statuses as well.
An active dialer campaign record is fetched from the data base for an outgoing call. The record is transferred from ACE Server to ACE Dialer that dials the telephone record that can be seen in the campaign record. The connected call is then routed to an agent and ACE Dialer connects the customer with the agent.
The status of a campaign record can be changed in the following ways:
An administrator cannot activate a campaign record. The status transition to and from Active status can only be made by the ACE system. An active campaign record is routed to a queue, accepted by an agent, and ACE then calls the telephone number seen in the campaign record. The campaign record turns to status open, closed, paused or active again depending on the outcome of the call and on the feedback given by the agent.